ADAM - Arts & Design Atomium Museum
Following a well-established dynamic of curatoring arts & design exhibitions, the Atomium has took a step further by investing a space of 5000m², 100 meters far from the symbol of the 1958 Universal Exposition.
The starting point of the project was the acquisition of the Plasticarium, an unique collection of plastic objects, more than 1200, from 1960 to 2000, accumulated by Philippe Decelle. This exhibition will be exposed permanently, with a turnover, beside temporary exhibitions. The general organization has been thinking around these two spaces, working both together and autonomously, in a larger program with conference space, educational space, offices, shop and cafetaria.
The whole space aims to be a new strong place dedicated to arts & design, in Brussels, but also nationaly and internationaly.
Status : completed
Surface : 5000 m²
Location : 1, Square de l'Atomium, 1020 - Bruxelles.
Pictures credits : Charlotte Delval