Erna Hecey Gallery
How to transform an industrial groundfloor into a contemporary art gallery, with a (very) low budget? The project expresses itself by the delicate, and at the same time brutal, insertion of autonomal objects in an industrial space, which is reducted to its fundamental structure and to its functionnal and technical facilities. These objects answer the White Cube syndrome: up till which point does the architectural neutrality (which doesn't exist) compete with art pieces? This aspect is at the same time hidden and reinforced by the continuity between the walls and between the wall and the ceiling. The volumes are imagined and articulated to offer different interpretations of space, of light, of textures, of the existing building, of the link between inside and outside, of the exhibition of art an ambiguous relationship which away the two « classical » benchmarks of this kind of projects: the white painted industrial loft and the « perfect » exhibition cube.
Status : completed
Surface : 340 m²
Budget : 60.000 €
Location : 1c, Rue des Fabriques, Bruxelles.