MAD – It's my own, an everyday fashion story
« The exhibition IT’S MY OWN, AN EVERYDAY FASHION STORY is not a retrospective, but rather an invitation to discover a storehouse where pieces as diverse as a surrealist T-shirt or a biker jacket can be found side by side, the traces of a personal fashion vocabulary composed over the course of 16 seasons. This exhibition offers a unique journey through a world in which different approaches to fashion are confronted, exploring notions such as the everyday and desire. It reveals the invisible, the implicit, the imaginary, and uncovers the process, the research, and the diversity of the fashion object.
Created by Thierry Rondenet & Herve Yvrenogeau, OWN is a Brussels-based label that produced, between 1999 and 2007, a subtle wardrobe for men and women, playfully interrogating fashion codes and customs. »
Almost 15 years after completing the OWN shop in Brussels, we have designed this scenography in close relationship with Thierry and Hervé. This project is like an evocation of OWN’s approach : transformation, adaptation, copy...
The scenography makes use of theatre platforms (which also evoke catwalks) in an awkward way, wooden ‘copies’ of platforms reinforce this idea; these weird superposition constitute a way to design bases with adaptable height.
The clothes exhibition display is a hijack of traditional plumbing plastic tubes which are assembled as colourful trees. In the front window next to the exhibition entrance, parts from the original OWN shop have been reused and adapted in a radical way to the MAD space : rods reversed are extended with wooden planks, tables are rebuilt with the theatre platforms ...
This nonsensical approach of « ready-made » is completed with colorfull bases in the first part of the exhibition ( pastel boxes open by fluo wooden structures).
The scenography has been done in collaboration with Singular Paris, Nicolas Karakatsanis & Leonardo Van Dijl, Thierry Boutemy & Mariam Mazmishvili, Pam&Jenny, ZOO/Thomas Hauert, Joachim de Callataÿ.
Pictures by Alexandra Bertels